So you got an offer…

Might as well round up the week with one last WriterUnboxed post. Kasey LeBlanc posted Tuesday What to Do After Receiving an Offer of Representation: A Comprehensive Action Plan.” It looks very  valuable, alas not (yet) for me. My most recent reject arrived Monday. It didn’t really impact me emotionally, because it was a query 206 days old and one I had marked CNR (Closed, no response) at 120 days (the default CNR on QueryTracker) so had long given up on it. BTW, QueryTracker itself is a very valuable tool when querying agents. I’d highly recommend the paid version (which gives access to further data about agents), though there is a free version. The paid is only $25 a year and supports a valuable service.

Author: gretaham

teacher, writer, baker, biker (the pedal kind), hiker, swimmer, reader, movie buff, cat owner

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