Happy Almost NANOWRIMO!

National Novel Writing Month is almost upon us. Many years ago, I started and wrote about the first half (50,000 words +) of what became my first novel-length work. I didn’t yet have my critique group and through the website, joined various local writing meet ups. I met some very nice and helpful folks, people who would – in the middle of a Barnes and Noble cafe – stand up with me and block out a duel to help me visualize/put into words the action in a more realistic way. ❤️

Anyone starting it this year: Bravo! Remember, just get your thoughts out. Revisions can follow in December.

A lot of the stuff you write will be, ultimately, for you, not your reader, background info that is important in that you need it to know your characters, their world, and their situation. Not all of it will go into the final draft, but will guide you as you flesh them out.

And don’t worry if you are describing what’s happening rather than just have it happen (telling, rather than showing). You’ll still have gotten your plot down and you can polish later.

I had been thinking  that I wouldn’t be doing it this year because, back when I did it before, the rule had been that you were to start a new novel for the challenge and I’m in the middle of a sequel to the novel I’m currently querying. But then as I was writing this post, I saw this:

Historically, all NaNoWriMo writers started a brand new novel draft in November. Now, there are two options for setting a goal: set a goal for a brand new novel, or set a goal for a novel you’ve already started. Whatever inspires you to write!

So… I’m going for it! 50,000 words (but not “or bust” because progress is all positive!).  I’ll chart my progress along the way (and probably blog less!!).

Good luck to all who are taking on the challenge!

Author: gretaham

teacher, writer, baker, biker (the pedal kind), hiker, swimmer, reader, movie buff, cat owner

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