How I amuse myself in waiting rooms

I wish I had a brilliant answer to this, but mostly I just scroll on my smart phone. I think at times, however, how the phone has gobbled up those quiet moments of just being with one’s self. Standing in line in various places. Sitting in a waiting room. One week, on NPR’s Wait…Wait… Don’t Tell Me,  they discussed a video of a woman just sitting on a plane doing nothing – it went viral because people (including the woman’s daughter who filmed it) thought it was so weird for someone to just sit quietly. I teach at a Quaker school, so once a week I do have the chance to sit quietly with myself (and several hundred other students, faculty, and staff) during Meeting For Worship. And sometimes I just sit quietly in a waiting room. But there’s a certain beckon of my phone and all the things I can read on it.  (EDIT: Oops, forgot to link to Long and Short Reviews, the hub of the challenge)