Speaking of geography…

Ever want to take a drone flight over an ancient city? The video below simulates that and provides a pretty nice visual tour of ancient Carthage, particularly around its harbors. As I was trying to create my own parageography for my fictional, alt-history (alt-myth) Carthage, I enjoyed this video, especially seeing the Cothon, the military inner harbor at Carthage. Tour has English subtitles (the voice over in in German). There is a fabulous Latin version, but it lacks the subtitles. (oops — it looks like the subtitles doesn’t show up in the embedded version – and the embedded video doesn’t work on mobile devices, so here’s the link to the original on Wiki Commons).

How often do men think about…

I never thought to ask how often men think about Ancient Rome, but apparently it is a hot topic over on TikTok, started by a Swedish Roman re-enactor. Not being on TikTok myself, I came across it in this WaPo article (no paywall).

Now, I think of Ancient Rome many times a day, but I am a Classicist and Latin teacher, so I think about it for a living. But apparently, in the general populace, there’s a gender split in how often people think about it and men think about it a lot. As WaPo says:

But why does there seem to be a gender divide in who is daydreaming about ancient Rome today?

According to historians, one explanation could be that Western societies have historically overemphasized the aspects of Roman history that are associated with masculinity in the popular imagination.

As one historian they quoted says, 

“But it was also a diverse place: there were numerous forms of masculinity, women could have agency and power, and there were multiple gender expressions and identities, as well as various sexualities.”

A Costumed Gladiatrix Re-enactor

The article is a fun read, especially if you too think about Ancient Rome on a regular basis. Or perhaps a WTF moment if you don’t.