Lemon cupcakes with blueberry cream cheese frosting

I had some lemons I wanted to use up and decided to make cupcakes for the departmental meeting. While I had another recipe I frequently use and it’s quite popular, it called for sour cream and made about 24 cupcakes. Sometimes it’s nicer to just have a smaller batch. So I decided to try this New York Times recipe which only made a dozen. I like lemon cupcakes with a berry frosting. I prefer strawberry, but what I had on hand was blueberry. The trick to berry frosting is to use some freeze dried fruit. Otherwise, by the time you get enough flavor from the berries, your frosting is watered down. Take the berries and turn them into powder and a food processor and then mix them in with the powdered sugar. I usually do add some fresh as well, but the color and flavor comes mostly from the freeze dried. I just adapted the cream cheese frosting recipe that came with the cupcake recipe and added the blueberries. You can see what a vivid color the berries give the frosting.

The nice thing about taking them to work is I got to bake and I only ate one cupcake and the rest just disappeared to compliments.