Book trope I wished would would happen IRL more often

It’s time once again for Long and Short Reviews Wednesday challenge. This is a good one. I had to really think about it. But I think I would go with enemies to allies/enemies to friends/enemies to lovers or any such variation. It seems these days that it is hard for people who have different ideas to cross those divides. Ideas that might contain possibilities for mediation are turned into absolutes, leaving no room for understanding and compromise. Those who support ideas different from one’s own are demonized, that they are operating from a place of good will is rejected. So the tropes where one sees in an enemy or opponent humanity, goodness, and/or a potentially useful working relationship seems like something that would make our society more functional if it happened more often.

Author: gretaham

teacher, writer, baker, biker (the pedal kind), hiker, swimmer, reader, movie buff, cat owner

3 thoughts on “Book trope I wished would would happen IRL more often”

  1. I really like this one! I feel exactly the same way. We aren’t always going to agree, but if we at least take the time to try and understand why someone holds the view they do, then maybe we can disagree respectfully rather than antagonistically. And sometimes there’s more common ground than you’d think at first glance! Great idea.


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