Museums/Galleries I’ve Visited/Want to Visit

It’s Long and Short Review‘s Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge time again and boy could this be a long one. I’ve gotten around to a lot of museums (my archaeological background and general love of art come to play here). So here it goes:

I’ve lived in Greece a few times but haven’t been back in years. Indeed, the last time I was there was about a week before the new Acropolis Museum opened. How tantalizing! I do want to get back there and see it as I have heard great things. 

One of my all time favorites is the Tate Modern in London, UK.  The exhibitions in the Turbine Hall have especially blown me away. I saw Kara Walker’s Fons Americanus and Olafur Eliasson’s The Weather Project, each mind-blowing in completely different ways.

Perhaps less on people’s radar are Dia Beacon and Stormking, both in the Hudson Valley in NY. Dia Beacon is a great modern art gallery and Stormking is an outdoor, large-scale sculpture park. 

I could go on and on, but will end with the Peggy Guggenheim collection in Venice, Italy. I think I loved it so much because by the time I reached it, I was sort of Madonna-burned out on medieval and renaissance art. The modern collection was like a palate cleanser between courses of older art.

What museums do you love?

Author: gretaham

teacher, writer, baker, biker (the pedal kind), hiker, swimmer, reader, movie buff, cat owner

8 thoughts on “Museums/Galleries I’ve Visited/Want to Visit”

    1. In August, they often do a full-moon night opening that is amazing. Even though tons of people come, once you’re up there, there’s enough room that it doesn’t feel crowded.

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